FPG Insurance
Submit your medical claim information online At FPG Insurance, we’ve made it very easy for you to submit your medical claim online. Simply complete the following form and attach the relevant documents. We will then review your claim and if needed, a medical claim representative will contact you directly to confirm your claim details and request any additional information. Basic Documents for Medical Insurance Claim
  1. Download: Attending Physician's Result Form (to be filled and signed by attending physician)
  2. Hospital statement of account with charge slips
  3. Original Official Receipts of Hospital bill and Professional fees
  4. Original Official Receipts of medicines purchased outside the hospital and their prescriptions (taken during confinement)
  5. Admitting History Report
  6. Discharge Summary
Need help with your claim? Call our Customer Care at (02) 8859-1200 or send an email to [email protected]
Particulars of Claimant
Statement by Claimant (By Parent when claimant is a minor)
Upload Documents
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Our Customer Care, Claims Service Desk, and Claims Hotline are available Mondays to Fridays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.