FPG Insurance
Submit your travel claim information online At FPG Insurance, we’ve made it very easy for you to submit your travel claim online. Simply complete the following form and attach the relevant documents. We will then review your claim and if needed, a travel claim representative will contact you directly to confirm your claim details and request any additional information. Basic Documents for Travel PA Claim
  1. Police Report/Investigation Report
  2. Original copy of Death Certificate
  3. Proof of beneficiary's identity like Birth Certificate, Marriage Contract (Original)
  4. Medical Certificate
  5. Written proof of loss or damage verified by a written statement from police of transport provider. (Baggage loss)
  6. Written proof of delay from transport provider together with receipt for the extra cost incurred. (Flight/Travel Delay)
  7. Copy of credit card application and sales slip showing proof of his travel ticket.
Need help with your claim? Call our Call our Customer Care at (02) 8859-1200 or send an email to [email protected]
Insured Information
Type of Policy
Type of Loss
Description of Loss
Details of Injury or Sickness
Official Receipts Submitted
Upload Documents
Authority, Release and Declaration Statement
AUTHORITY: I hereby authorize my travel insurance and/or FPG Insurance Co., Inc. and its authorized representatives to request and receive any information, document or record from any hospital, clinic, laboratory, attending physician and other health service provider, which information or document relates to any examination laboratory test results , medical history and/or treatment in connection with this claim and such other matters related thereto.
RELEASE & SUBROGATION: Payment received by me in relation to this claim shall constitute as full, final and complete settlement. I further agree that the Company is subrogated to my rights of recovery on all claims and rights of action to the extent of the payments made and/or on account of the losses incurred with this claim and I further agree to authorize the Company to commence all legal actions and proceedings necessary to enforce my claim or recovery thereof with any undertaking to extend my cooperation or assistance whenever necessary.
DECLARATION: I declare that all data/statements found therein and on all pages of this form are complete and true , whether written by me of by anyone else on my behalf, shall be binding on me, and that the amounts being claimed herein are lawfully due to me under the terms and conditions of the policy.
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Our Customer Care, Claims Service Desk, and Claims Hotline are available Mondays to Fridays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.